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Paper and Pulp

Industrial Wastewater Treatment and Water Treatment Plant Solutions Provider

There is a growing demand in paper and pulp industry to increase sustainability by reducing water consumption, resource recovery and energy efficient processes.

GPT's innovative membrane products and processes help paper industry to achieve sustainability goals by recovering bleach chemicals, starch, cellulose from mills and the efficient wastewater recycle and reuse. This way paper industry can benefit enormously by reducing costs related to effluent treatment and by saving input chemicals.

GPT is also a manufacturer and supplier of sustainable and reliable effluent treatment plant in India catering to meet stringent needs of paper and pulp industry. Moreover, below are several examples of application areas GPT's products and services:
- Recovery of chemicals used in bleach plant
- Effluent wastewater recycle and reuse
- Acid purification and recovery in pulp bleaching
- Coatings recovery
- MBR technology for ETP and WTP

Get free assessment of your specific requirement by dropping us an email.

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